Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Trip to Brunner Mine!

On Friday T4 went to v
isit the Brunner mine site and the Stillwater cemetery with the teachers from Shantytown. It was a great day. I learned a lot about our local history. Here are some photos

Saturday, March 16, 2019

Big Friday


T4 had a huge Friday this week with Briea being Principal for the Day, Thomas being awarded a stack of certificates from last week's Special Olympics and the whole class coming together to send our love, support and thanks to Constable Jos.


We were all so proud of Briea, she was a superb Principal and represented T4 with great mana. Look at the smile on Thom's face, another proud T4 moment. T4 had planned to spend an hour in Te Ara Hauora (the school garden) and dedicate this time to thinking about Constable Jos however we got rained out. Instead we decided to write our thanks and memories regarding Jos on strips of paper and Jean wove them into a korowai for us. The title of the korowai is "A korowai of our thought and thanks for you, Constable Jos" . We like the idea of Constable Jos being literally cloaked in our thoughts and thanks. For new students, like Junior (pictured) who had not met Constable Jos, the focus was on supporting our classmates through sad times and these students did a wonderful job of being kind, thoughtful and supportive.

Thursday, March 14, 2019

Windows to the past, pathways to the future.

Our Amazing Collaborative Art 14.3.19

This year the Big Idea is "Windows to the past, pathways to the future."

We have been looking at local architecture and how buildings have changed over time to meet the needs of society. 
Here is a collaborative artwork that T4 made showing some of Greymouth's famous (?) architecture. Can you spot The Warehouse, Council building with fountain, Left Bank Art Gallery, Smith City Clearance Centre, The Union, and DP1 Cafe?